Brand ideas that defy gravity.™
The unicycle is simple. It’s all about balance. It’s nimble, sustainable, and impossible to ignore. Kind of like great creative work. Looking for solutions that perform? This is how we roll.

To make progress, you have to go past the comfort zone. Without falling on your face. Find that perfect tipping point with ideas that take you out there, built on solid brand foundations.

Stop pedaling on a unicycle and you fall over. I bring over 25 years of non-stop experience in print, advertising, video, strategy and sustainability — and some days I still feel like a beginner. And yes, I DO unicycle. Just not as well as I do that other stuff. - Lorne

Once you get going, spread the word. Tweet. Instagram. Blog. Share. Join a parade. Or run away to the circus. But sign up for our blog first.
A few stories from 1000 projects
Since 2007 I have been wheeling away in the sustainability and marketing space, navigating the twists and turns of this crazy business. Now, looking back through over a thousand dockets, I find there are some stories worth a second look. Project #1 – Return on Responsibility Video “Seeing the Earth from space changes the way […]

Sustainability is a path every brand must ride in its own way. Whether reducing impact, streamlining ops or inspiring with a story, branding your sustainable progress can be as important as tracking it.
“Lorne has really helped London Drugs establish our brand in the stewardship and sustainability arena through his thought leadership on our What’s The Green Deal program. We could not be more pleased with the strategic, creative and tactical work Lorne does on our behalf.”
Clint Mahlman
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer at London Drugs Limited