Reduce your Carbon Fontprint.

You copy on both sides of the paper. You don’t print your e-mails. You pour reclaimed rainwater water through old coffee grounds. BUT YOU CAN STILL DO MORE!! Yes, until you consider how many grains of toner you waste on each and every letter you print, you are not worthy.
Meet ECO-Font, by Spranq, which claims to reduce ink, toner, cartridge usage and presumably, designer guilt.
“Appealing ideas are often simple,” says their web site. “How much of a letter can be removed while maintaining readability? After extensive testing with all kinds of shapes, the best results were achieved using small circles. After lots of late hours (and coffee) this resulted in a font that uses up to 20% less ink.”
Some bloggers who are much more technical than I, have calculated that at sizes below 8.5pt  the small holes may just fill with ink or toner, and not save anything. Furthermore, the more complex design of each letter could result in longer ‘time-to-RIP’, (the print plate preparation process) which might add costs at prepress time.
But hey, the font is free, and as the first of its kind, I’d have to say it’s worth a try. Even if it does look a bit like a bad Hollywood movie marquee at larger sizes.

Download it from their website. And let me know how the little holes work for you.

Coming Soon: The  Dotskipper™ Ballpoint Pen – Writes a microscopically-dashed line that saves 50% on ink. At least until you leave it in the glove box of your car for 4 years and it dries into a useless plastic stick.

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