Mmmmm CO2...

The stampede for the Taste of California shmooze fest at the Hyatt’s TUSCA Restaurant was perhaps more restrained than other conferences, but otherwise was pretty indistinguishable.

On the patio looking out to the golf course, propane heaters blazed, keeping the 65-degree weather mercifully at bay for the Sustainable Brands 08 attendees. A small thing, perhaps… but isn’t this whole conference about the small things? A disappointment to be sure.

Unidentified foodInside the restaurant a jazz band shuffled comfortably and the restaurant put on a great spread of California-style foods. Absent was any signage or information identifying organic, local or otherwise sustainable aspects of the buffet. I took a risk and wolfed a bunch of it down nonetheless.

Fetzer Wines and Finlandia vodka sponsored the bar, and Boterra organic white wine was also available. So I was able to drown my disappointment somewhat.

One in a series of articles on Lorne’s Sustainable Journey to the Sustainable Brands 08 Conference in Monterey CA. Click here for the full list of sessions, or here for the ‘Fear & Loathing’ road trip journals.

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