

#brands, #sustainabilty, #vancouver, #beer, #design, #defybrandgravity


#brands, #sustainabilty, #vancouver, #beer, #design, #defybrandgravity

Green grows in Brooklyn

If you take the R train from Manhattan south to Union station in Brooklyn, you emerge in a streetscape that looks somewhat less than eco-friendly. But a few brownstone-lined blocks over, on a charming street of shops, you’ll find 3R Living, a tidy boutique of recycled, re-thought and refreshing lifestyle products. ...

Unicycle Strategic Alliance Profile: J. Ottman Consulting

  A main reason for my recent visit to New York was to meet with sustainability marketing pioneer Jacquelyn Ottman, a passionate and much accredited innovator, author, strategist and public speaker who has been helping businesses, government agencies, and not-for-profit groups meet consumer needs more sustainably for nearly 20 years. ...

How Green is Manhattan?

  Imagine living in a utopian environmentalist community, enjoying a very small living space with no pesticide-drenched lawn or greenhouse gas-emitting car. Grocery shopping is done on foot and public transportation used almost exclusively. That utopian community is Manhattan. I recently traveled to New York to see just what the ...

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