Unicycle Creative Canstruction Sculpture

What does a stack of 3500 cans of food look like? Almost anything you can imagine. Unicycle Creative was proud to join the 2016 Canstruction event, as part of a team with Omni Engineering, to help make a super sized dent in the needs of the Vancouver Food Bank.

Social Media Selfie Poster StandThe show theme was ‘Who’s Hungry’, and the Uni/Omni team answered that briefing with an 8-foot tall sculpture that asked people to literally be part of the solution.

We constructed a giant plate and place setting, with a custom poster stand that doubled as a camera-phone holder, allowing viewers to take their own selfie, and post it under the hashtag #FillThePlate.

21 teams used over 80,000 cans of food, all of which go to the good folks at the Vancouver Food Bank. Extra special props and thanks go to Scott Grey and Met Fine Printers, who help make this event such a soul filling success.

Unicycle Creative Lorne Craig poses with Canstruction sculpture

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