Categories Archivesbranding

A few stories from 1000 projects Since 2007 I have been wheeling away in the sustainability and marketing space, navigating the twists and turns of this crazy business. Now, looking back through over a thousand dockets, I find there are some stories worth a second look. Project #1 – Return on Responsibility Video “Seeing the Earth ...

Apt Living When a group of Vancouver developers wanted to re-imagine an aging compact apartment / B&B tower, they knew they had a challenge. Shaughnessy Village had been a fixture on West 12th Avenue for decades, serving tourists, hospital visitors and students. With apartment sizes ranging from 150 to 250 square feet, ...

BCPIA Rebranding – Print Forward The BCPIA is an organization undergoing change – with stakeholders beyond the borders of BC, beyond even the traditional borders of ink-on-paper printing. It is an industry reinventing itself in the shadow of a digital juggernaut. Of course, we all now know print is not dead. But where is it ...

Meet the FixFox™ Since its invention in the 1990’s, the MegaPro patented bit storage screwdriver has steadily been gaining enthusiastic acceptance from tradespeople and DIY types around the world. MegaPro inventor Hermann Fruhm came to Unicycle Creative with the challenge of naming and branding a new electric driver prototype based on the successful ...

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