So what would YOU choose to go see at Sustainable Brands 08?
The issues are broad and diverse: Sustainable design, the social footprint, retaining talent, green building, de-commoditizing, re-branding, sustainable packaging, green wine, greenwash… how to decide?
What the heck, unlike most North American Governments, I’m willing to try democracy.
I elect YOU, my fearless blog reader(s?) as my advisory panel. I have created a simple on-line survey which will let you tell me which sessions you would like to see me cover. It should take no more than 2 minutes. Click here to take it.
It’s a win-win. I get help making decisions (which I will need after the 30-hour train ride), you get a shot at blog content that might even be relevant.
One in a series of articles on Lorne’s Sustainable Journey to the Sustainable Brands 08 Conference in Monterey CA. Click here for the full list of sessions, or here for the ‘Fear & Loathing’ road trip journals.
Previous: « Trains, Planes & Automobiles: Booking the Sustainable Road Trip
Next: Hoppin’ the Southbound »