This was one booth that almost stumped me. It had something to do with EM (effective microorganisms) and involved some sort of kitchen composter for meat, bones and other food waste. (!) As I spoke with their enthusiastic and friendly rep, Lynda, I gradually came to understand that EM represents a proprietary combination of some 14 microorganisms that work together to help reverse the effects of ground pollution and chemical-intensive farming, and has multiple uses in homes, gardens and agriculture. I had to do more research on their web site to understand that composting is their #1 focus, and that the EM blend (called Bokashi) is used to anaerobically compost waste, providing a low-odour liquid extract that can be used in organic gardens, septic systems and house plants. Now it’s starting to sound interesting!
Green Briefs Marketing Thoughts: This is a classic case of having so many good things to say, it’s difficult to know where to start. And as in many of these cases, the people working closely with the brand can sometimes overlook simple key messages that help the uninitiated put the puzzle together. A facilitated session with sales, marketing, R&D and someone who knows nothing about it would help sort out ‘EM101’ for people new to the brand.
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