This is one product for which I am a prime target market. Energy Alternatives provides power systems for homes and cottages, and I am in the research phase for just such a system for our cabin at the lake. So I spent a bit of time at their booth. What Energy Alternatives has done well has been to break their offerings down by needs: Backup Power, Grid Tie-Up, Primary Power Systems, Cottager Systems, and Cabin Lights. At their booth, each target market is offered a letter-sized B&W insert sheet describing different prepackaged systems and providing a checklist on the back to calculate energy use. This is a good start, but as with most complex systems, the myriad details and benefits begin to take over and I suspect many readers become overwhelmed with the info. A visit to their web site shows that from a content perspective, Energy Alternatives really knows their stuff. But overall the brand has the look and feel of more of a local grass-roots operation than a serious player in the new green economy.
Green Briefs Marketing Thoughts: This brand has the history, the qualifications and a library of resources and information. But they could use some key message streamlining and a logo/brand evolution to raise their image to the level of their expertise. (And position them well against future competition as the category grows) Their rich web site content (such as this System Design pdf) could be repurposed into a suite of more interactive online tools. A YouTube video might also help support higher end purchases through longer decision-making cycles, and a content-managed website design would allow them to update their own materials without recoding.
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