The Green Party of Canada, and Deputy Leader Adriane Carr came to Unicycle Creative looking for help with handout materials for a by-election in Vancouver Quadra. They had a large amount of climate change data and a fresh platform document from Ottawa posted on the national Green Party web site.
The Insight
With our agency partner, Lemonade Tactical Marketing, we took the opportunity to reposition the Green Party in the minds of voters. The Greens are known as a party that campaigns on just one platform – the environment. Our strategy was to take ownership of the mainstreaming of green culture and extend the party strategy to include economic opportunity.
It’s our time
This positioning associates the green party with current environmental awareness and popularity. It is positive and optimistic. ‘The evolution of green’, highlights how the Green Party has grown and risen to the challenge of developing policies for the issues that now matter most to Canadians. Inside the paper, the ‘ten steps’ align Green Party national policies with economic opportunities. (Click here to read the PDF in a new window)
Dan Grice, a new candidate, recieved over 13% of the vote, and won in numerous polls. This result (over 10%) enabled the Green Party to reclaim campaign expenses from Elections Canada, and the newspaper is being considered as a national platform piece.
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