Covid Christmas Fun

Covid Christmas Fun

A small series of posters for PARC Retirement Living helped bring some pandemic holiday levity to deck the halls with reminders of protocols and regulations. Demonstrating good procedures with a smile may be the best way to ensure these important messages are absorbed and not resented. We decided to show ...

Touch This!

How powerful is touch? Hemlock Printers invited Sappi Creative Manager Daniel Dejan to their Print & a Pint seminar series to present his research on the Neuroscience of Haptics – the communication of touch. Our invitation design featured soft-touch stock and an irresistibly tactile blind emboss. It was the feel-good ...

Mono County Branding

Mono County Branding

Mono County promotes their region as a destination for business owners and entrepreneurs looking to leave the rabid world of California’s urban centers for a more pristine, lifestyle-oriented opportunity. Using a pocket-guide format, we placed counter-top displays in iconic Mono County locations to target visitors already involved with the area. ...

Hemlock Thought Box

Many clients who use print only do so on an irregular basis. That’s why it is important for printers to maintain top-of-mind awareness. Hemlock Printers wanted to do this with a unique giveaway – a big block-stack of notes. Unicycle Creative imagined this as a big box of thoughts… rendered ...

Hemlock Print & a Pint Series

How do you get busy designers and clients to learn more about new printing technology? Buy them beer, of course. Unicycle Creative helped design and create this brand for Hemlock Printers, and now the event has grown to international stature with events in Vancouver and Seattle. Guest speakers mini trade ...

Print & a Pint 2016

Print Package Design

Hemlock Printers’ successful Print & a Pint Series continues, with a sold-out event held at Vancouver’s waterfront Tap & Barrel restaurant. The invitation was designed as a package, promoting the compact, all-in-one mini-print-tradeshow format of the event. Printed digitally on reflective stock, the design uses digital opaque white to set ...

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