85km on a bike. 390km on a bus. 2,430km on a train. All to sustainably attend Sustainable Brands 2011 in Monterey. Learn from my experience, without all the blood, sweat and beers.
All aboard the Green Express for Monterey.
The day started too early, but cycling along the False Creek seawall at dawn gave Vancouver a quiet grace I have not seen for a long time. Bus through customs was uneventful, though an extra $10 to put a bike in the hold for a 3 hour trip seems a ...
Organic Beer, Skeptics and Green Strippers. The Sustainable Brands Road Trip takes shape.
Things are shaping up for the Sustainable Brands 2011 Road Trip to Monterey...
Tell me where to go at Sustainable Brands 2011 and I could be bringing you a California Green Souvenir.
It’s official. I’m booked to return to the biggest green marketing event in North America – SB’11 in Monterey. But what will I see? Who shall I meet? What toxins should I ingest to effectively anesthetize myself against the unending torrents of sustainable marketing bumf? This is where I call ...
Green goes First-Class
On my return Amtrak trip from Sustainable Brands 08 in Monterey, I elected to sample life in the sleeper car, with my own little booth and bed: car 1432, room 11. This was a significant up-charge, ($257) although that price includes all meals (worth about $50) and if traveling with ...
Sustainability goes a bit off the rails…
10:30 AM – migrate to the observation car. More glass, more views. Ranger Clint from the National Park Trails & Rails program commentates on the natural and cultural sites as we chug past Puget Sound. This is a nice touch – a rolling play-by-play to the widescreen panorama. A bald eagle lifts ...
Hoppin’ the Southbound
4:45 AM – Even the birds are rolling over for another hour of sleep. The taxi shows up to take me to the Main Street Station for my 5:30 bus to Seattle, and as though by design, it’s a Prius hybrid. Vancouver’s Terminal Station looks proud in the rising eastern ...