Tags ArchivesAmtrak

All aboard the Green Express for Monterey.

The day started too early, but cycling along the False Creek seawall at dawn gave Vancouver a quiet grace I have not seen for a long time. Bus through customs was uneventful, though an extra $10 to put a bike in the hold for a 3 hour trip seems a ...

Green goes First-Class

On my return Amtrak trip from Sustainable Brands 08 in Monterey, I elected to sample life in the sleeper car, with my own little booth and bed: car 1432, room 11. This was a significant up-charge, ($257) although that price includes all meals (worth about $50) and if traveling with ...

Sustainability goes a bit off the rails…

10:30 AM – migrate to the observation car. More glass, more views. Ranger Clint from the National Park Trails & Rails program  commentates on the natural and cultural sites as we chug past Puget Sound. This is a nice touch – a rolling play-by-play to the widescreen panorama. A bald eagle lifts ...

Hoppin’ the Southbound

4:45 AM – Even the birds are rolling over for another hour of sleep. The taxi shows up to take me to the Main Street Station for my 5:30 bus to Seattle, and as though by design, it’s a Prius hybrid. Vancouver’s Terminal Station looks proud in the rising eastern ...

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