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Green still growing despite the recession – 2010 Green Brands Survey

The 5th Annual ImagePower® Green Brands Survey is out, with some encouraging and surprising results. First, the environment is not going away, despite our best attempts to kill it. With over 9000 people polled in eight countries (Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India and the United Kingdom) this study concludes ...

New World Organic Granola sending 50 cents a bag to Haiti Relief.

Last year I wrote about Burnaby-based New World Foods, a solid local contender in the organic granola category. A few days ago I got an email from their Vice President, Rajinder Bagga, asking me to spread the word about their fundraising drive for  Canadian Red Cross Haiti Relief. They are ...

Vancouver’s ‘Bright Green Future’ looking pretty dull.

I stood dumbstruck, looking at the latest poster campaign for our Green Capital campaign. Type only, a headline with no direct involvement for the reader, copy with no specifics, and generic web addresses buried at the bottom as a half-hearted call-to-action. How did such a dull poster possibly get made ...

BC’s Throne Speech: Eco-Marketing bonanza, or just more hot green air?

  On February 13th, 2007, Parliament was launched with a Throne Speech that “calls for bold action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” Included among the politically ambitious if somewhat vague promises, were a number of concepts that should prove fertile for businesses who are already walking the walk. One that caught my ...

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