Progress. — Post From My iPhone
iPhone Pic of the Week Nov.26
Victory is OURS!!! We shall never stop!! Bwahahaha!! — Post From My iPhone
It’s time to Recycle the Remembrance Day Poppy.
Why the cheap plastic poppy is out of date for today's Remembrance Day, and a few solutions to improve it.
iPhone Pic of the Week Oct 20
Who knew stock photo models could be so mean? Support the Union Gospel Mission or whatever homeless helper charity you believe in. — Post From My iPhone
iPhone pic of the week Sept 16-ish
The first question one is tempted to ask is ‘why?’ … But to do so would be to miss the point. All you need to know is that the car is called ‘I am, eh’. Namaste. — Post From My iPhone Location:Robson St Vancouver
iPhone pic of the week – Sept 13
I don’t think this is Greenwash. I actually know some people who drink enough Starbucks out of paper cups to use up a whole tree.
iPhone pic of the week – July 6 – Teletubbies on crack.
It was all flying high for awhile with the TV show and sponsorship deal, but when the purple one left to ‘explore his/her true self’ and their agent split to the Caymans with the cash, it all came crashing down.
So what’s Twitter good for, anyhow?
My cocktail-party rebuff to Twitter Doubters.
iPhone pic o’ the Week: Leonardo DaVinci does high-RPM grave-spins.
Spotted in the otherwise usually tasteful Vancouver Art Gallery giftshop. Buyer on crack?
ScrapArtsMusic – Tops off my Earth Day with a Bang. (And a nice marketing spin)
How the whole event came together reads like an ad for Social Media. I saw a Twitter Tweet from Granville Online, (a Vancouver green living website), promoting a video profile of a local ‘band’ who was making music with instruments constructed from recycled Vantown scrap. It looked like such a ...