Tags ArchivesCBR Products

EPIC 2010 Show a feast of green marketing roughage.

This year I attended the EPIC Vancouver Sustainable Living Show as an exhibitor (with two clients) as well as a blogger, shopper and beer sampler. There were brand and product concepts aplenty, offering a creative marketing boost as well as a feeling of genuine entrepreneurial optimism. Sure, the usual flock ...

CBR Products – A biased review

As CBR Products is a Unicycle Creative client, I have to come clean: This review will be incredibly positive. But besides being their Marketing Guy, I also use their products on my cabin at Lillooet Lake. So I’m sold on the stuff for all the right reasons. Perhaps CBR’s most ...

Canada’s new VOC regulations give advantage to established players in the eco market

Last month, Environment Minister John Baird announced that the Government of Canada is taking action to reduce emissions from chemicals in consumer and commercial products such as paints, varnishes, adhesives and vehicle repair cleaners. These components are known as Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOC’s.You probably know them as those headache-inducing ...

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