Tags Archivescycling

Business for Bikes Celebrates Hornby Bike Lane in the dark.

It takes a special kind if cyclist to venture out in the cold and rain in December just for the fun of it. But there was more to this small ride than just the hot chocolate at the end. The focus of Business for Bikes is to show the corporate ...

Bike Fashion show a hot event, but needs to get out of hipsterville.

I’m nursing a Stanley Park Ale in the pulsating hip basement of the Calabash Bistro, with a crowd of cyclist types way cooler than me. It’s Momentum Magazine’s BikeStyle Tour Fashion Show and it’s making me feel like a stowaway in bike geek heaven. Momentum is ‘North America’s Bike Lifestyle ...

Vancouver’s ‘Bright Green Future’ looking pretty dull.

I stood dumbstruck, looking at the latest poster campaign for our Green Capital campaign. Type only, a headline with no direct involvement for the reader, copy with no specifics, and generic web addresses buried at the bottom as a half-hearted call-to-action. How did such a dull poster possibly get made ...

Critical Mass could use some critical messaging.

I was a bit uncertain about going on today’s ride, what with the local daily paper predicting widespread chaos and inciting drivers to rebel against the ‘illegal’ riders. But a sunny Friday lured me down to the Vancouver Art Gallery to sketch the scene and join the mass. This was ...

Momentum Biking Magazine – A cultural icon in the making?

I have seen this publication before at one of my local coffee shops, so I was happy to find out more at their booth at Epic. A chance to win a bike trailer was enough to entice me to subscribe, (for the show-special rate of $15 a year) and I ...

Got a big lawn to cut? One word: Mowercycle.

This shot has been circulating around the blogosphere for a while, but it’s too good not to share. This is obviously a home-made contraption, and it’s doubtful it would be that effective in its current incarnation, but the sheer popularity of the idea and its catchy name lead me to ...

Sustainable Monterey by Bike

As my sustainable road trip continues, I find myself with a day to ride around Monterey. This town has some visible signs of sustainability, with low-mow lawns and a bike trail that runs along the coast. This contrasts the 4-lane feeder highways that cris-cross through town cruelly undermining the Cannery ...

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