Tags ArchivesEco-friendly

Bike Fashion show a hot event, but needs to get out of hipsterville.

I’m nursing a Stanley Park Ale in the pulsating hip basement of the Calabash Bistro, with a crowd of cyclist types way cooler than me. It’s Momentum Magazine’s BikeStyle Tour Fashion Show and it’s making me feel like a stowaway in bike geek heaven. Momentum is ‘North America’s Bike Lifestyle ...

Never underestimate the power of a fun idea.

Have you got a sustainability idea or initiative to get off the ground? You might want to take yourself a lot less seriously. Less than two months ago, the Crazy Sustainable Commute was just a fun office idea in the head of Steve Unger, a Senior Director at SAP. The ...

EPIC 2010 Show a feast of green marketing roughage.

This year I attended the EPIC Vancouver Sustainable Living Show as an exhibitor (with two clients) as well as a blogger, shopper and beer sampler. There were brand and product concepts aplenty, offering a creative marketing boost as well as a feeling of genuine entrepreneurial optimism. Sure, the usual flock ...

Recycle your corporate billboards. Or sweatshirts.

If you are an advertiser who buys billboard media, chances are you may have some vinyl boards in the mix. If that’s the case, you can now get your old billboards repurposed into dashing courier-style bags by Vancouver’s ECO Apparel. This is a great re-use of material, and could become ...

Vancouver’s ‘Bright Green Future’ looking pretty dull.

I stood dumbstruck, looking at the latest poster campaign for our Green Capital campaign. Type only, a headline with no direct involvement for the reader, copy with no specifics, and generic web addresses buried at the bottom as a half-hearted call-to-action. How did such a dull poster possibly get made ...

Want 600 horsepower? Take the engine out of your car.

It’s a daring leap of logic that could delight motorheads and granola crunchers alike. By taking the motor out from under the hood and putting electromotors in one or more of the vehicle’s wheels, engineers can now burn rubber without burning carbon. In 2008, a company called PML Flightlink unveiled ...

Cleaning the world’s largest ashtray.

This past weekend I went with my family to the TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. It was a gorgeous day on English Bay as we showed up with about 50 or 60 other people to scour the beach and shoreline for litter. As I kneeled in the sand, picking up ...

It’s easy to pee green. In the shower, that is.

It’s male logic taken to the next level. Why waste more water flushing the toilet when the shower is already doing a perfectly good job? Yes, this 45-second spot from Brazil is seriously recommending that people save water by peeing in the shower. Created by Saatchi & Saatchi, the spot ...

Critical Mass could use some critical messaging.

I was a bit uncertain about going on today’s ride, what with the local daily paper predicting widespread chaos and inciting drivers to rebel against the ‘illegal’ riders. But a sunny Friday lured me down to the Vancouver Art Gallery to sketch the scene and join the mass. This was ...

Sundog Clothesline Company A green marketer’s dry dream.

Here are some products ripe for the times. What could be more pure than the smell of fresh clothes drying in the sun? What could offer more righteous and newsworthy PR opportunities than the fight for the right to dry clothes?  Add to that a unique range of products tailored ...

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