Tags ArchivesEnvironment

BC’s Mining Industry Running With Its Tailings Between Its Legs

The Mount Polley Mine Environmental Disaster, as it’s soon and forevermore likely to be known, has thrown into sharp focus the incredible liability the mining industry faces whenever they decide to store a toxic swamp full of lead, cadmium, arsenic and whatever other delightful chemical combinations these elements can create. ...

6 New Tattoos to Launch The Harley Davidson Electric Motorcycle

You know electric power has hit the mainstream when legendary motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson builds an electron-powered bike. That’s right, Project LiveWire is the latest prototype badass e-bike to hit the road, on a promo tour in select iconic locations. It’s got I’m-the-meanest-electric-bike-on-the-road styling and if anyone can build a cool, ...

Waste not! Draw paperless!

When my friend and colleague Jacqueline Ottman asked me to create some brand imagery for her blog, WeHatetoWaste.com, it seemed like the perfect job for my favourite iPad drawing application. Paper by FiftyThree, is an elegant, easy-to-use app that turns the iPad into a digital Moleskine notebook. I created a ...

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