EPIC Sustainable Living Expo 2009
This is the second year that your Unicycling blogger has attended this show, and if the crowds heading into Vancouver’s new Trade & Convention Centre on a sunny Saturday afternoon in May were any indication, green products and services are even more popular this year despite the recession. (Click here ...
Natureland Organic Beer. Looks good, tell me more.
When I reported on this product last year, my main comment was ‘great beer, shame about the packaging’. Well, this year, the beer is just as good, and the packaging… better. Brian Hansford, Territory Manager for Pacific Western Brewing, told me the packaging had definitely helped sales, pointing out that ...
Prairie Organic Vodka: Starts with a punch but lacks show-stopping finish.
I had seen this product before, as its packaging had appeared in the prestigious Communication Arts Design Annual 2008. So I eagerly stepped up to the sampling table. I’m no vodka connoisseur, but the corn-based beverage seemed adequate to do the job, and set me up well for my day ...
Lotusland Wines: A surprising contender to make your 100-mile diet more palatable.
I had seen the sign for Lotusland Winery around Abbotsford on Highway 1, and in the land of mushroom farms and rural sprawl, hadn’t given it much thought. But their label design has a much more urban flair, using west coast Vancouver B&W imagery that definitely made their product appealing ...
Momentum Biking Magazine – A cultural icon in the making?
I have seen this publication before at one of my local coffee shops, so I was happy to find out more at their booth at Epic. A chance to win a bike trailer was enough to entice me to subscribe, (for the show-special rate of $15 a year) and I ...
CBR Products – A biased review
As CBR Products is a Unicycle Creative client, I have to come clean: This review will be incredibly positive. But besides being their Marketing Guy, I also use their products on my cabin at Lillooet Lake. So I’m sold on the stuff for all the right reasons. Perhaps CBR’s most ...
Sundog Clothesline Company A green marketer’s dry dream.
Here are some products ripe for the times. What could be more pure than the smell of fresh clothes drying in the sun? What could offer more righteous and newsworthy PR opportunities than the fight for the right to dry clothes? Add to that a unique range of products tailored ...
Live for Tomorrow – A green cleaner that stands out with its pack
As an avid fan of the Avalon Dairy classic glass bottle, I was intrigued when I saw this line of cleaners packaged in these iconic containers. One look at that historic shape and I get an instant sense of purity and a throwback to less toxic times. Speaking with Keena, ...
Sustainable Water Art
Seeing this booth was like walking into a living Dr. Seuss / Rube Goldberg display. Brass instruments, copper piping and elegant metalwork spiraled outward, propelled by water. Master Recycler and Artist Douglas Walker was also there, happy to exchange wry comments and discuss the sculptures. If you have a garden ...