London Drugs more eco-friendly than Whole Foods? That's what British Columbians say in a recent Ipsos survey.
No-Tree Notebooks, Paperless Sketchpads and Pigmentless Paintboxes
iPads offer sustainable sketching options for green idea guys. Here are 3 of my faves.
London Drugs and What’s the Green Deal make the finals at Globe 2012 Awards.
Here's to all the unsung sustainability heroes of the world.
Taking print off the endangered species list.
It's OK to print again. Really. The sustainable side of ink-on-paper.
Is the Business Card dead?
The business card is dead. Long live the business card.
iPhone Pic of the Week, Holiday Edition: I’m not sure what this means, but it can’t be good.
Santa gets strung out in Kitsilano. Literally.
How do you open the door to responsible redevelopment on the edge of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside?
Launching a real estate development in Downtown Eastside Vancouver opens some doors. 21 Doors.
Bringing a Sense of Fashion to Zero Waste (and we’re not talking dress size)
Making zero-waste look good with clean green branding and a high-fashion recycled runway show at Pacific Centre in Vancouver
You know it’s time to rebrand your fruit when…
You know it's time to rebrand your fruit when... A review of the best BC grape you've never heard of.
iPhone Pic of the Week – Nothing To See Here
Remember video rental stores? File under 'obsolete'.