Tags ArchivesGreen in Europe

Green still growing despite the recession – 2010 Green Brands Survey

The 5th Annual ImagePower® Green Brands Survey is out, with some encouraging and surprising results. First, the environment is not going away, despite our best attempts to kill it. With over 9000 people polled in eight countries (Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India and the United Kingdom) this study concludes ...

Dead Polar Bear Scale – The latest in eco-labeling.

In an effort to stay at the forefront of environmental product communication, Unicycle Creative is proud to launch a new worldwide standard for eco-labeling, the Dead Polar Bear Scale (DPB) “It’s a way for consumers to really know what they’re buying into from a climate perspective,” Says Unicycle President Lorne ...

Recycle your brand – with an ad medium that keeps on giving.

This was one of those ideas that made me wonder why I hadn’t thought of it. You have machines to sell aluminum cans of soda and plastic bottles of water, so why not offer the same convenience for recycling your empties and getting any deposit back? Turns out a Norwegian-based ...

A font that saves toner?

You copy on both sides of the paper. You don’t print your e-mails. You pour reclaimed rainwater water through old coffee grounds. BUT YOU CAN STILL DO MORE!! Yes, until you consider how many grains of toner you waste on each and every letter you print, you are not worthy. ...

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