Tags ArchivesGreen in the Economic Downturn

You Are Here. A Sustainability Literacy Presentation

On April 16, 2014 I was honoured to be asked to present at the University of The Fraser Valley’s inaugural Graphic and Digital Design Portfolio Show. For those that attended, here are links to some of the resources I mentioned in my talk. For the other 6,999,999,850 or so of ...

iPhone Pic of the Week – The Community Garden Car

When those wimpy patio gardening containers just won’t cut it, try filling your car with dirt. You’ll never have to vacuum it again, and good luck to the tow-truck driver who tries to enforce the 2-hour limit. Spotted in Toronto’s Kensington Market, a neighbourhood thast shows just how creative you ...

Green still growing despite the recession – 2010 Green Brands Survey

The 5th Annual ImagePower® Green Brands Survey is out, with some encouraging and surprising results. First, the environment is not going away, despite our best attempts to kill it. With over 9000 people polled in eight countries (Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India and the United Kingdom) this study concludes ...

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