Metro 2040 – The best regional plan you never heard of.
If you didn’t know we had a 25-year regional plan, don’t feel bad. Most people’s brains rust over when faced with terms like ‘Regional Context’ and ‘Transportation Demand Strategies’. But ‘Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping Our Future‘ is a plan so thorough, it was adopted unanimously in 2011 by 21 ...
3 Things I Bet You Didn’t Know About Our Waste – From Metro Vancouver’s Zero Waste Conference
As a sustainability marketer, I attend a variety of events that wouldn’t get most people off their couch. To be honest, I thought the Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Conference 2014 might be one of those, as I pictured a room full of trash academics debating diversion rates. But it turned ...
Muzzling scientists has been tried before, but it never works for long.
It was the early 1600’s. The Catholic Church, ie, government of the day, was opposed to the radical new idea that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe. The Copernican view, that the Earth revolves around the sun, was considered heresy. The infamous radical astronomer Galileo (himself a ...
BC’s Mining Industry Running With Its Tailings Between Its Legs
The Mount Polley Mine Environmental Disaster, as it’s soon and forevermore likely to be known, has thrown into sharp focus the incredible liability the mining industry faces whenever they decide to store a toxic swamp full of lead, cadmium, arsenic and whatever other delightful chemical combinations these elements can create. ...
You Are Here. A Sustainability Literacy Presentation
On April 16, 2014 I was honoured to be asked to present at the University of The Fraser Valley’s inaugural Graphic and Digital Design Portfolio Show. For those that attended, here are links to some of the resources I mentioned in my talk. For the other 6,999,999,850 or so of ...
Dear Christy Clark – I have a new provincial slogan for you: Super, Fracktural BC
An open letter to BC Premier Christy Clark – April 7, 2014 Dear Christy May I call you Christy? It seems appropriate, given your warm, woman-of-the-people style of governing. I’m a soccer parent too, so that puts us on the same sidelines, wouldn’t you say? Anyhow, it’s about this Bill ...
Digital meets ink. Drawing the complex texture of Gastown.
In 2011 I worked on the branding and launch of an innovative condo home development in Vancouver’s Gastown area, on the edge of the Downtown Eastside. Part of that assignment involved sketching some of the sights and scenes of the neighbourhood, in as genuine a way as possible. Rediscovering ...
A global climate deal by any other name would sell so much sweeter.
To be successful, a Global Climate Treaty needs a better name than Kyoto. (Sorry, Kyoto)
iPhone Pic of the Week, Holiday Edition: I’m not sure what this means, but it can’t be good.
Santa gets strung out in Kitsilano. Literally.