Tags ArchivesLondon Drugs

What makes a green product… green?

Beyond lettuce, vermillion paint and stuffed frogs, defining ‘green’ for products can be difficult. First of all, the word itself has no agreed-upon definition. Should it refer to recycled, local, energy-saving, or involve a complete life cycle assessment to the molecular level? Perhaps the solution is not to judge. What’s ...

If you want your sustainability video to sound natural, throw away the script.

We have all seen painful tightly-scripted talking head videos, detailing how the company is responding proactively and looking towards the future, blah-de blah-de blah… A more effective approach can be to simply have a conversation, and capture key moments that really tell the tale. This takes  dedication to the art ...

EPIC 2010 Show a feast of green marketing roughage.

This year I attended the EPIC Vancouver Sustainable Living Show as an exhibitor (with two clients) as well as a blogger, shopper and beer sampler. There were brand and product concepts aplenty, offering a creative marketing boost as well as a feeling of genuine entrepreneurial optimism. Sure, the usual flock ...

A YouTube marketing appeal to the emotional geek in all of us.

There is something inherently sad in the idea of waste. So when London Drugs set up a partnership with FreeGeek Vancouver to help collect usable older computers and keep them out of landfill, I saw an opportunity to have a little fun and tug on the heartstrings at the same ...

London Drugs styrofoam recycling video floats through the blogosphere.

The latest green initiative from London Drugs seems to be striking a chord with eco bloggers. A few weeks ago, as part of my work creating their ‘What’s the Green Deal’ program, I scripted and narrated a YouTube video to show their recycling process in action. Hardly the kind of ...

Social Media success for styrofoam recycling message.

Social media did its thing last week when London Drugs Tweeted its followers on my Green Deal blog article about their innovative Styrofoam take-back and recycling initiative. (I write the blog for London Drugs’ What’s the Green Deal Program as part of my role as LD Green Marketing Consultant) The ...

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