As the voting for the Prior Ski Topsheet Art Contest winds down in Whistler, I humbly present my entry in its entirety. In pen, ink and pixels, my journey from Vancouver to my art studio at Lillooet Lake and beyond – a trip I have been making for over 15 ...
London Drugs more eco-friendly than Whole Foods? What’s the Green Deal with that?
London Drugs more eco-friendly than Whole Foods? That's what British Columbians say in a recent Ipsos survey.
What you don’t know about sustainability could come back to bite you in the brand assets.
Are YOU Sustainability Literate?
Green Briefs flashed in Vancouver City Council Meeting – The Official Transcript of my speech on the Greenest City Action Plan
GreenBriefs blogger Lorne Craig stands up in front of Vancouver's Mayor and Council at City Hall to share his Green Capitalist vision of Vancouver. See the speech here!
New Branding Basics book comes in handy.
When I see some of the big-money idiocy that passes for brand advertising these days, (Yes, the ad you see above is real) I want to throw this smart little book at marketing heads left and right. That’s one of the reasons I bought a box of them. The other, ...
Social Media Conference NW – navigating the new sustainable media.
Waking up at 5:30, I have to wonder if driving a carbon-spewing vehicle across an international border to sit in a room full of strangers watching someone speak about the power of remote digital connections… isn’t just a little ironic. Regardless, I’m here at the Social Media Conference Northwest, to ...
Andrew Winston to business: “Going Green is not optional.”
That was the main message I picked up in today’s hour-long webinar with ‘Green to Gold’ author Andrew Winston. The presentation was hosted by the ‘Board of Change’, an up-and-coming organization of green entrepreneurs and sustainable types based in Vancouver. Winston remotely presented a powerpoint show which, while plagued with ...
Do companies ‘going green’ get full credit for their investment? New report from Change says, not always.
It’s every green CEO’s nightmare – convincing the board to invest in sustainability only to see the competition rise with the tide of public opinion for doing nothing. This is one of the potential scenarios painted in an interesting report called MapChange 2010, released this week by Change and Angus ...
Lorne Craig interviewed by Globe-Net on the future of advertising.
Last week I had the opportunity to speak with Andrew Sauder from Globe-Net, an online resource for environmental business news. It was a stimulating conversation, leading to big questions around the vision for green marketing itself. Check it out here, along with the whole Globe-Net site. It’s a resource that ...
Current Consumer Brand Perception – Who’s falling off this year’s Green Brands List
Annie Longsworth, Managing Director, Cohn & Wolfe Russ Meyer, Landor Associates Jay Leveton, Penn, Schoen & Berland This presentation was largely statistical, so here are the numbers. Research geeks, enjoy: The study was done in the US and U.K. with 3000 adults 2007: 3600+ new green products 45,000+ green/sustainable articles Economic ...