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One cartoonist’s journey up the Sea to Sky Highway…

As the voting for the Prior Ski Topsheet Art Contest winds down in Whistler, I humbly present my entry in its entirety. In pen, ink and pixels, my journey from Vancouver to my art studio at Lillooet Lake and beyond – a trip I have been making for over 15 ...

New Branding Basics book comes in handy.

When I see some of the big-money idiocy that passes for brand advertising these days, (Yes, the ad you see above is real) I want to throw this smart little book at marketing heads left and right. That’s one of the reasons I bought a box of them. The other, ...

Social Media Conference NW – navigating the new sustainable media.

Waking up at 5:30, I have to wonder if driving a carbon-spewing vehicle across an international border to sit in a room full of strangers watching someone speak about the power of remote digital connections… isn’t just a little ironic. Regardless, I’m here at the Social Media Conference Northwest, to ...

Andrew Winston to business: “Going Green is not optional.”

That was the main message I picked up in today’s hour-long webinar with ‘Green to Gold’ author Andrew Winston. The presentation was hosted by the ‘Board of Change’, an up-and-coming organization of green entrepreneurs and sustainable types based in Vancouver. Winston remotely presented a powerpoint show which, while plagued with ...

Lorne Craig interviewed by Globe-Net on the future of advertising.

Last week I had the opportunity to speak with Andrew Sauder from Globe-Net, an online resource for environmental business news. It was a stimulating conversation, leading to big questions around the vision for green marketing itself. Check it out here, along with the whole Globe-Net site. It’s a resource that ...

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