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iPhone Pic of the Week

Just ignore those pesky global issues and keep spending like a good little shopper.. — Post From My iPhone

Business for Bikes Celebrates Hornby Bike Lane in the dark.

It takes a special kind if cyclist to venture out in the cold and rain in December just for the fun of it. But there was more to this small ride than just the hot chocolate at the end. The focus of Business for Bikes is to show the corporate ...

EPIC 2010 Show a feast of green marketing roughage.

This year I attended the EPIC Vancouver Sustainable Living Show as an exhibitor (with two clients) as well as a blogger, shopper and beer sampler. There were brand and product concepts aplenty, offering a creative marketing boost as well as a feeling of genuine entrepreneurial optimism. Sure, the usual flock ...

The Metro Vancouver Food Eco-Certification Breakfast Showdown.

OK, it wasn’t called that. But as my second green business shmooze in 12 hours, (see Power Plant event blog, below) I was bleary stumbling into this 7:30am Metro Vancouver Sustainability Breakfast on food certification. Balancing a cup of BCIT coffee, 2 preservative-laced danishes and a Happy Planet juice, I ...

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