Tags ArchivesSustainability

Critical Mass could use some critical messaging.

I was a bit uncertain about going on today’s ride, what with the local daily paper predicting widespread chaos and inciting drivers to rebel against the ‘illegal’ riders. But a sunny Friday lured me down to the Vancouver Art Gallery to sketch the scene and join the mass. This was ...

Scared back into the safe arms of plastic.

I guess it was just a matter of time. Poke the giant frequently enough and you’re going to get a swat. Over the last few years, municipalities, retailers and consumers have continued to embrace reusable shopping bags and restrict, regulate and reject plastic bags. And Big Industry responded in classic ...

EPIC Sustainable Living Expo 2009

This is the second year that your Unicycling blogger has attended this show, and if the crowds heading into Vancouver’s new Trade & Convention Centre on a sunny Saturday afternoon in May were any indication, green products and services are even more popular this year despite the recession. (Click here ...

The Future of Sustainability: A Global Look

Mark Lee, CEO SustainAbility The theme of Sustainable Brands 08 was ‘Below the Surface’. Lee takes this to a whole new level, with a look at the macro picture of corporate action and potential in the sustainability journey. He begins by describing the green movement(s) as “Waves of pressure, of interest ...

“We’d like to increase the size of the earth if we could… but we can’t.”

Session 2: Measuring Your Social Footprint Mark McElroy, Executive Director, Chief Sustainability Officer, The Center for Sustainable Innovation  Every once in a while I feel like I’m back in school. This session was thick with black-on-white arial-font powerpoint slides, complex theories and TLA’s* (*Three Letter Acronyms), unfortunately scheduled during my ...

Sustainability goes a bit off the rails…

10:30 AM – migrate to the observation car. More glass, more views. Ranger Clint from the National Park Trails & Rails program  commentates on the natural and cultural sites as we chug past Puget Sound. This is a nice touch – a rolling play-by-play to the widescreen panorama. A bald eagle lifts ...

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