Tags ArchivesSustainable Lifestyle

This year for Christmas I want EVERYTHING to be made from LEGO®.*

Well it has been a pretty well-assembled year here at Green Briefs and Unicycle Creative. To celebrate, I made this fun little card with my family, showing how all the pieces of 2014 clicked together (more or less) to create a pretty awesome set. Many best wishes and gratitude to ...

Metro 2040 – The best regional plan you never heard of.

If you didn’t know we had a 25-year regional plan, don’t feel bad. Most people’s brains rust over when faced with terms like ‘Regional Context’ and ‘Transportation Demand Strategies’. But ‘Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping Our Future‘ is a plan so thorough, it was adopted unanimously in 2011 by 21 ...

Muzzling scientists has been tried before, but it never works for long.

It was the early 1600’s. The Catholic Church, ie, government of the day, was opposed to the radical new idea that the earth was NOT the center of the Universe.  The Copernican view, that the Earth revolves around the sun, was considered heresy. The infamous radical astronomer Galileo (himself a ...

6 New Tattoos to Launch The Harley Davidson Electric Motorcycle

You know electric power has hit the mainstream when legendary motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson builds an electron-powered bike. That’s right, Project LiveWire is the latest prototype badass e-bike to hit the road, on a promo tour in select iconic locations. It’s got I’m-the-meanest-electric-bike-on-the-road styling and if anyone can build a cool, ...

Is your brand outgrowing its image? Here are three symptoms to check…

Ahhh, spring. That season of blossoms and birdsong… the roar of gasoline mowers and the stench of blue smoke in the air. Unless you are a customer of The Silent Gardener Ltd, who for years quietly grew their business using only electric equipment, organic fertilizers and biological pest controls. But ...

Instant Community Garden

Working with London Drugs I get to profile a lot of interesting products as one of the voices of their What’s the Green Deal? program. Recently I got to see what happens when an empty lot is turned into a rich opportunity.

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