Tags ArchivesUnicycling

What’s electric and sits under your butt cheeks? The Electric Unicycle!

Honda recently unveiled an indoor transportation unit they call the ‘U3X’, which is essentially, an electric Unicycle. (!) Powered by a lithium-ion battery which lasts for about 60 minutes,  it only weighs about 10 kilos. But the real trick of this thing is that it balances itself, making the unique ...

Critical Mass could use some critical messaging.

I was a bit uncertain about going on today’s ride, what with the local daily paper predicting widespread chaos and inciting drivers to rebel against the ‘illegal’ riders. But a sunny Friday lured me down to the Vancouver Art Gallery to sketch the scene and join the mass. This was ...

Merry Whatever and a Happy New Thing.

As winter hits our idyllic Vancouver wonderland, reminding us of what most of Canada faces for 3-4 months of the year, I can’t help but notice that the snow does, for a short time, make us nicer people. We greet neighbours we would otherwise ignore, smiling at the communal inconvenience, ...

Think the world is ending? Get a Unicycle.

What is the best post-apocalyptic ride to park in your bunker? Wired Magazine sought some answers to this increasingly important question in a recent on-line issue. Turns out at least one reader had enough savvy to nominate the most sustainable ride on the planet to this top-10 list, a selection ...

Blackspot Sneakers – The Official Unicycle Sustainable Shoe

  When you’re cruising around on just one wheel, you need footwear that gives you a good feel for the earth. The Blackspot Sneaker is more than just a shoe. It’s a global movement. Or global brand anti-movement, if you will. The shoe itself is made from organic hemp, in ...

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