Like every Sustainable Brands Conference, there were too many issues, themes and streams for any one human to track. But in my dual role as a Sustainability Brand Consultant and volunteer SB2016 blogger, I worked double time to look for key breakout sessions, retail trends for 2016 and locally-brewed IPAs. ...
How To Make Cheap Charming – What WalMart could learn from Honest Ed’s Hand-Lettered Brand.
WalMart can't compete with Honest Ed's almost lost art of hand painted signs.
WAL-MART gets out the Big Green Stick
Recently the world’s biggest retail footprint launched the Wal-Mart Sustainability Index, their new scorecard for vendors. It’s a 15-question checklist designed to provide Wally World with the information it needs to give it’s customers the straight goods on the ‘green-ness’ of the products they consume. According to sources, this list ...