Tags ArchivesWhat’s the Green Deal

Telling a sustainability story with a warmer image.

We recently completed some blog updates for the London Drugs What’s the Green Deal? program, to help recognize some recent achievements and help customers feel the sustainable love. In the past, we have concentrated on longer-form articles for the GreenDeal.ca blog. These perform well, both from an SEO perspective, and ...

A YouTube marketing appeal to the emotional geek in all of us.

There is something inherently sad in the idea of waste. So when London Drugs set up a partnership with FreeGeek Vancouver to help collect usable older computers and keep them out of landfill, I saw an opportunity to have a little fun and tug on the heartstrings at the same ...

What’s the Green Deal with London Drugs?

This summer, a new green growth quietly sprouted at London Drugs. ‘What’s the Green Deal?’ is a program that puts environmental and sustainability information on display, with in-store signage, flyer features and even a new web site – www.greendeal.ca. (Full disclosure – Unicycle Creative was the consultant employed to help ...

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