Sustainable Road Trip to Sustainable Brands

“Join a staggering faculty of over 70 design, sustainability and brand leaders, along with peers from around the country, with the beautiful Northern California Coastline as a backdrop and explore how you can stay on the cutting edge of sustainable business and translate brand innovation into revenue growth and brand value.” (from the Sustainable Brands 08 website)

How could I resist?

I first heard of this conference (now in its second year) from Jacqueline Ottman, a consultant and author I met in New York in January of 2007. I was immediately impressed by her depth of knowledge in what was, at that time, an emerging field for most marketers. I was unable to attend Sustainable Brands 07 in New Orleans, but heard through all reports that it was an amazing experience for anyone who shares an interest in green marketing.

So now I’m off to Monterey.

But the question is, how to get there? I wouldn’t feel right flying… all that carbon. It’s too far to unicycle, (for someone of my abilities and testicular fortitude, anyhow)

Is that the romance of the rails I hear calling?

More on my travel booking adventures in the next post…

One in a series of articles on Lorne’s Sustainable Journey to the Sustainable Brands 08 Conference in Monterey CA. Click here for the full list of sessions, or here for the ‘Fear & Loathing’ road trip journals.

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