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Ceilings Unlimited: A New Documentary on Climate Change Opportunities for Business

Patrick Gregston Producer, Ceilings Unlimited Gregston is a film producer whose credits that include the post-apocalyptic Kostner fest, Waterworld. He is now creating a new documentary, Ceilings Unlimited (aviation term for blue sky) in association with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a federal agency focused on the ...

Green to Gold – Or, Where did that banana come from?

Andrew Winston, Author The author of this iconic green tome is very personable, in that salt-and-pepper-haired-smooth-presenter kind of way. His presentation was top-line (buy the book) but he did update on some new trends that have emerged in the last 8-9 months. One is that Discovery Network announced it is ...

Advercacy – Branding meets sustainable activism over a beer.

New Belgium Brewery Greg Owsley, Chief Branding Officer. On my first night in Monterey, I stopped by a local liquor deli to stock my mini fridge. Not seeing anything ‘natural’, or ‘organic’, I settled on Fat Tire Ale, a character beer I had tried and liked once in Colorado. Little ...

Culture as Brand

Jeffrey Hollander, President 7th Generation For me, this presentation was one of this show’s most powerful, yet I will have a challenge communicating it to you, Dear Readers, second-hand. If you’re not familiar with the Seventh Generation line of cleaning and household products, it is a paragon of environmental business. ...

KEEN Footwear: Going from $0 to $150 million in 5 years

Inside a marketing campaign that raised web traffic 58% and e-mail sign up 85% Bobbie Parisi, VP of Marketing The whole Keen Footwear line started withn one simple design question: Can a sandal protect toes? From there, they have exploded on to the scene, with a brand that is hip, ...

Leveraging Environmental Sustainability to Drive New Revenue and Brand Equity

Bill Morrissey VP Environmental Sustainability, Clorox Corporation The first surprise for me here is how many brands Clorox owns: STP, Armor All, BRITA, Glad bags, Hidden Valley Dressings, (on their brand heirarchy chart, Hidden Valley was sandwiched in between Kingsford Charcoal and Scoop Away Cat litter. Yum.), and one example of ...

Why Sustainability at Dow Matters.

Julie Fasone Holder, Senior VP, Chief Marketing, Sales and Reputation Officer The Dow Chemical Company Fasone Holder was here, primarily to introduce the Human Elements Campaign recently launched by DOW. This is an ad creative guy’s wet dream. A concept so clear and compelling, so extendable and logical, yet emotional ...

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