Tags ArchivesGreen in the Economic Downturn

Do you have to shop specialty stores to shop green?

Not always. At least, that’s the message I’m trying to convey in this latest London Drugs video. I took a tour through my local store and helped the manager build a display of green products for Earth Day. These are products identified under the What’s the Green Deal program Unicycle ...

Andrew Winston to business: “Going Green is not optional.”

That was the main message I picked up in today’s hour-long webinar with ‘Green to Gold’ author Andrew Winston. The presentation was hosted by the ‘Board of Change’, an up-and-coming organization of green entrepreneurs and sustainable types based in Vancouver. Winston remotely presented a powerpoint show which, while plagued with ...

Green Briefs readers tell all.

You clicked, you voted, you commented. Then I procrastinated. So before the data is dated, (not to mention the iPod prize) I am happy to present some of the more interesting findings from the Unicycle Creative Brand Survey 2009. And of course, reward one lucky clicker. The objective was to ...

Lorne Craig interviewed by Globe-Net on the future of advertising.

Last week I had the opportunity to speak with Andrew Sauder from Globe-Net, an online resource for environmental business news. It was a stimulating conversation, leading to big questions around the vision for green marketing itself. Check it out here, along with the whole Globe-Net site. It’s a resource that ...

Green Table: Can B2B and B2C feed off each other?

Green marketing is like following a trail of whole-wheat, organic fair-trade breadcrumbs – one morsel leads to the next, until your shirt buttons are gut-stretched and you need at least 3 free-range beers to wash it all down. Last week, as I blogged about Ocean Wise at the Cactus Club ...

Detroit’s big-dick auto show cars now have much less sway.

Like steroid-pumping weightlifters at an academic dinner party, the traditional auto show muscle car stars are looking more than a little out of place. At least that’s the report from the 2009 Canadian International Auto Show. This is the kind of event where auto makers roll out their flashiest new ...

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